Powerdynamo regresa el encendido
y la luz a su moto clásica


Sistema 73 43 999 00
=> €/$

Dínamo / encendido electrónico
para MV Agusta 350 with Dansi magneto

Replaces previous Powerdynamo system 71 76 999 00.

Replaces stock Dansi magneto with all ignition and regulator parts, updates your system to 100W output.
There is no need for changes on engine casing. The system is technically capable to run without battery.
Please verify that this system corresponds to your MV. There have been more than one type of MV 350.  
The system is made for this engine.
This is how the stock magneto looks on the engine.
This is the stock Dansi 12V magneto fixed with 3 screws.

Ventajas comparadas con el viejo sistema:
  • todas las partes son nuevas
  • luz mucho más clara (with light bulb 40/45W)
  • encendido muy estable con chispas de alta energía
  • mejor arranque y mejor combustión