Powerdynamo regresa el encendido
y la luz a su moto clásica


sistema 72 54 999 00
=> €/$

Dínamo / encendido electrónico  para Ducati 250 (wide case engine)

For small engine (100 - 250) see our system 72 47 999 00
Note: not suitable for 450!

Magnet based generator with integrated solid state ignition. Output 12V/100W DC. Replaces the old dynamo and  the completeignition system. Solid state, maintenance free, electronic ignition.

Ignition is mounted at crankshaft level (part of magneto). The original contact breaker at camshaft level is no longer needed and may be taken out.

There is no need for changes on engine casing.

Small engine - big engine?
How to know what system I need?
so called small engine
so called big engine
250 -450cc
+ stator plate fixed with 
   3 screws
+ diameter of stock rotor 
   is 117mm
+ stator plate fixed with 
   4 screws
+ diameter of stock rotor 
   is 129mm
Ventajas comparadas con el viejo sistema:
  • todas las partes son nuevas
  • luz mucho más clara (with light bulb 40/45W)
  • encendido muy estable con chispas de alta energía
  • mejor arranque y mejor combustión
  • ya no hay ningún desgaste en el ruptor