DC regulator defective? How can i check ?
For information on our AC regulators see here
The following information refers to Powerdynamo DC regulators (as shown
below) only.
more information on those regulator by clicking onto the pictures
- The shortest way to tell whether a regulator has gone is to smell on
it. If the unit has a burnt smell it has surely gone (invariably due
to shortcircuits or overloads)
- the next easy thing is to disconnect the battery, disconnect (if
existing) the blue wire from the switch out relay, start the engine
and switch on headlights. If headlights shine brightly (at least when
you accelerate a little engine revs) than the regulator is working
should the regulator not smell and there be no lights whatsoever, than
you have to dig a little deeper as suggested below. Please refrain
from any other methods of testing, especially from connecting
testing voltages from supplies other than the Powerdynamo magneto.
- You have to check first whether it is not the generator which is
defective. without any output from the generator there is nothing to
rectify and regulate.
for this disconnect the 2 black wires which lead from the generator to
the regulator.
Connect here a meter that can read AC (!) voltage. Start the engine. The meter should indicate
in volts ac about revolutions/100 (see
Video, will take a little to load). Say at 800 revs you get about 8V.
At 5000 revs you get 50 volts. If you get no reading or
significantly less the stator or the wires from the stator are
defective. (regulator might be also defective, but you can not check
now). More information here
- Provided there is AC voltage from the generator, reconnect the 2
black wires to the regulator again and completely disconnect the red
and brown wires (which carry the exiting DC voltage) from from rest of
the motorcycle wiring
Connect a headlight bulb (in the correct voltage 6 or 12) directly to
the red and brown wires at the regulator. Do not connect anything else
Start the engine. If the bulb shines brightly (be careful not to look
directly into the light, this will dazzle your eyes!) the regulator is
working. If it does not (and you have rechecked wiring of the testing
arrangement) the regulator has a problem.
- The charge control function (available only on the larger 12V
regulator) is a function independent of rectification and regulation.
Even if this is not working, the regulator as such could still be ok.
for checking charge control see here.
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